8. Sommerakademie @ Häselburg

The summer academy is taking place for the eighth time in the Kulturhaus Häselburg Gera.
Nationally known artists give art courses for interested participants.
This year three exciting courses are planned with: Denise Lee, Julian Herstatt und Kathrin Heinrich.

The summer academy of the Art School Gera e.V. and the Häselburg is funded by the City of Gera.

Workshops take place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or by arrangement with the lecturers.
Workshop registration below or: kontakt@kunstschule-gera.de
Register now!

Period: July 08 - 12, 2024

Braiding art

Sound, Voice, Story

Etching – intensive workshop

printing workshop
With Julian Herstatt, Dipl. Artist

The course offers the opportunity to explore the intaglio printing technique "etching" artistically. It involves scratching, scratching and pressing into an aluminum, zinc, copper or plastic plate and printing the motif onto damp cotton paper rubbed with ink. It is possible to practise the technique in the classical sense or in an experimental way. It doesn't matter whether you have already learned this technique or have never heard of it before. We will start with drypoint etching and develop further. We find the mixture of artistic work and manual practice a pleasant change.

For teenagers and adults.
Workshop is available in German and English

Braiding art

With Kathrin Heinrich, Master basket maker

Braiding is an ancient craft that can be interpreted in new and interesting ways. This workshop will use simple braiding techniques to create a variety of objects from different natural materials, including found objects. Together we will weave baskets, decorations and large-scale projects that explore the flexibility of the craft and lead to an exploration of materials, technique and color.

For children and young people.
Workshop is in German.

Sound, Voice, Story

Sound workshop
Mit Denise Lee,
Master of Fine Arts

In this series of workshops, we will work with our own themes to create our own sound art pieces. Starting with an exploration of existing sound art, we will combine creative writing exercises with editing sound recordings to make emotions and stories audible.

No previous experience is required. We will use our own recording devices (smartphones) as well as portable recording devices to record our own voices, homemade sounds/music or sounds from our environment and learn to use the program Reaper on our own laptops to arrange the recordings and create different effects. We can experiment with different forms, e.g. a poem, a strange podcast from another reality or a short radio play.

For teenagers and adults.
Workshop is available in German and English